The Yolo County Fairgrounds has 55 acres of open spaces, buildings, and RV hook ups to meet the needs of meetings, conferences, parties, weddings/receptions, conventions, BBQs, festivals, and public events.
Staff will be happy to give you a tour of the buildings or other sites that interest you. The deposit fee is required to reserve the building (hold the date). In the event of a cancellation, $250 is a non refundable. If the event is canceled less than 4 month (120 days) prior to the event date, the entire deposit is forfeited. Additional fees may be assessed because of damage and/or additional time for clean up by staff.
No alcohol is allowed at religious or other events for persons under 21 years of old. For events where alcohol is allowed, an Alcohol Permit is required from ABC and signed by the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office and the Yolo County Fairgrounds. The renter must follow the state requirements for selling and/or serving alcohol.
Security guards are required for all private and public events. We will work with the renter on hiring quality security and help coordinate emergency plans.
We’re here to help make your event or activity a successful one. Please contact our office with specific date requests and assistance.
Contact Information
1125 East Street
Woodland, Ca 95776
Contact: Nick Keith
Phone: (530) 402-2222
Web Site: www.yolocountyfair.com/